Let's Get Started
Let's Talk!!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What do I need to get a free estimate?
How much do you charge for a consulting engagment?
How do you feel (know) that you can help me?
I have everything under control so, why do I need you?
I want more income and to be a referral partner
Which types of entities are you helping?
What do I need to get a free estimate?
  1. Legal name of the owner
  2. Building type (office, warehouse, industrial, rental residential, etc.)
  3. Address of the property
  4. Estimated building, land, and/or improvement costs
  5. Purchase and/or remodel date
  6. Depreciation schedule of the property

How much do you charge for a consulting engagment?

We begin at $500 for the services that we provide. 

How do you feel (know) that you can help me?

We want to help new and experienced investors compete on the same level.

I have everything under control so, why do I need you?

Your tax pro needs us. Without a cost segregation study, he/she will depreciate all assets at the same pace. We assist with accurate engineering-based information to correctly establish 5-, 7-, 15-, and 27.5- or 39-year depreciation schedules. 

I want more income and to be a referral partner

No risk, no obligation! Just extra $$ in your pocket. Our payouts range from 5% - 15% per successfully onboarded client. 

To get started, all you have to do is fill out the questionnaire below, mentioning the referral, and be one of the following:

  • Tax Professional
  • Commercial Lender
  • Have a business relationship with an industrial, commercial, or residential building owner   
Which types of entities are you helping?

Anyone that owns an income-generating property like STR, lodging, office buildings, warehousing, storage facilities, etc.